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At 7:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
i felt sad im 11 weeks pregnant now abortion is not birth control
At 6:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I NEED PRAYER !!!!!PLEASE IM at my edge.About 4 Days ago I aborted my 11 week old fetus and I wasnt in my right frame of mind and I am not trying to make an excuse for my horrible actions I just felt like it was something that i was forced to do even though i made the choice .I have not been the same every since the moment the proceedure was done it was like the realization of what i had done settle in and it was too late ,All I think of is my BABY I believe in my heart that it was a boy and I picture his face ,when I am driving all I hear in my head is,"Your A KILLER" over and over again I feel as though Im losing my self. I have a 14yr.old and I wanted my baby terribly but due to the circumstances it seemed like it was the only choice but now I see that it was the WORST Choice I could Have ever made In my Entire life So if there is anyone out there that might be in a similar situation PLEASE,PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE THAT I DID YOU WILL REGET IT FOR REST OF YOUR LIFE.LIKE ME!!! I feel like my world has come to an end and i cant seem to get past this . I WANT MY BABY AND IT 'S TO LATE I LET THE DEVIL TRICK ME AND I CAN NOT CHANGE IT NO MATTER WHAT I DO.I WISH I HAD ANOTHER CHANCE TO GET MY BABY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE REMEBER ME IN YOUR PRAYER. DEARLYSORRY.
At 2:59 AM,
orapronobis said…
@ Anonymous,
What you are feeling is most definitely normal. Women believe that an abortion erases parenthood, but that never changes. You are always a mother, and your body knows it. Your body longs for your lost child and grieves over it. That is why so many women who have had abortions suffer in silence. Everyone tells them that their child, whom they now realize was so precious, is only a fetus, and that everything will be ok. You will grieve for the loss of your child, and healing will take quite a bit of time. Sit with your husband/boyfriend and discuss your child. Give him a name and ask him to pray for you. When we die, our souls come in to a perfected state. Your son is perfect. He is in his prime looking down on you, loving you. He understands that you didn't know and he forgives you. Your son will always love you. You are his beloved mother. Even more importantly, God forgives you. He knows that you didn't understand what you were doing and that you are truly sorry. What you did was indeed wrong, but God, who is all merciful, all knowing, and all loving, will not hold you accountable for something you didn't know was wrong. If you would like to talk to someone who can help you on your and your husband/boyfriend's path to healing, call (919) 852-1021 and they will connect you with a "Post Abortion Reconciliation and Healing" counselor in your area. You will remain in my prayers and hopefully in the prayers of all who visit this blog.
At 6:04 PM,
Mukiruh said…
@ Anonymous.
I will pray for you.
If you are having troubles(That could be passed off as psychological by some fools) i would suggest praying to Saint Michael, using this prayer:
Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickednessd and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O Prince of the heavenly host by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander the earth seeking the ruin of souls.
If you believe Satan has a foothold he probably does. That prayer can help greatly.
Angel of God, My guardian dear, to whom Gods love commits me here, ever this (Day or night, depending on time) be at my side, to light to guard, to rule and to guide.
Prayers to Mary will most likely help too.
I certainly hope you will pull through this.
At 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
i just had to say, i was thinking about abortion for reasons i dont want to say but thankfully i got to this web page and it made me bawl my eyes out and i've decided to most definately keep my baby.
thanx so much for this site.
At 4:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I cant belevie they put pics like this on the internet...i beleive everyone has the abortion is not birth control, but in some cases abortion is a viable solution. you say some things now but youve never had to talk to a pregnant 11 year old raped by her father, and if she had the child it would kill her.
"woman dont want an abortion like they want a new dress or new car, they want it like an animal in a trap wants to gnaw of its own leg."
At 4:09 AM,
Mukiruh said…
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At 4:18 AM,
Mukiruh said…
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At 5:08 AM,
Mukiruh said…
If they have a right to an abortion shouldnt we have a right to post what will come of that abortion?
The example you gave is highly unlikely- only about 3% of women raped get pregnant due to the fact they are in shock.
Even less likely in an 11 year old- even if she survives the trauma of the rape.
Abortion is never a viable solution.
In the case that the womans life is in danger (Cancer, tubal pregnancy) the corrective surgery-which may result in the death of the child- is allowable, as its purpose is not to kill the child but to save the mother.
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Obviously late coming into this discussion. Abortion is very much like the anonymous poster points out a trapped animal gnawing her own leg off, only the animal isn't trapped, and the leg is really her cubs. In order for abortion to succeed, we must deny our real selves, and look at the destruction as if it is only a small part of us, rather than an autonomous being.
I too have known people with circumstances that anonymous describes. However, why would someone recommend that one take the guilt and shame that rightly belongs to another and transfer it to oneself? Isn't it better to look for the good, and make a bad situation good through the possibility of love and forgiveness? Abortion is a solution born of despair of hope. It is a rejection of love and femininity.
If abortion is a viable solution then why the "trap" image? A solution to a trap that has the "unpleasant" side effects of abortion is not a very good solution at all. Certainly not viable when only half the participants survive the operation. Anonymous, why worry about pictures on the post? Is there something about the pictures that reminds us that we are really destroying ourselves when we destroy our progeny?
To the earlier poster, please note that there is infinite forgiveness in the Lord. Please reach out to Him and allow Him to heal you. I would suggest Project Rachel. My heart goes out to you since you have been also victimized by a world that preaches death as a solution to our problems. May you find peace and tranquility.
At 10:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
I to am 11 weeks pregnant and I want this woman to know she is not a killer or anything else that is bad or negative. She is a brave woman for sharing with us all her thoughts and feelings in her post abortion fase. I hope that she is well now though and if she wants she can e mail me through my web space. On the up side I am 11 weeks as I said and everything seems to be going good and I have my first ultrasound this wednesday. My boyfriend and I are so excited to show the sonogram photo to friends and family we are so proud even though its not even here yet!
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
your story really touched my heart,i am also 11 weeks pregnant and due to circumstances i was also about to have an abortion, i still i am still very confused and sad but i now have the answer i needed and know what the right thing to do is.You are not a killer,you are brave and did what you felt you had too.God forgives you ...dont hound yourself for something you cannot change,maybe for you it was the right choice.You are a very strong woman.I will pray for you.
At 5:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
For any one out there whose life has been touched by abortion - there is help, hope, & healing available. Contact your local pregnancy help center and ask if they offer or can refer you to a post-abortion recovery group. If you don't know of a pregnancy help center in your area, call ours at 513-753-HELP and we will direct you to one in your state/city. Peace be with you.
At 2:45 AM,
Susan said…
You will never regret having your baby, but you will always regret having an abortion no matter how far along...
At 3:25 AM,
hazel said…
every human being is in this world for a reason and purpose, most of the times we dont know why,yet the lord loves us, keeps us here,and lets us exist for his love is great.
i am eleven wks. old and being a mother already is the best thing that has happened in my life. : )
At 10:10 PM,
mandeecole said…
ok, i know im probably late to this blog.
but i have a few statements to make..
first, to the woman who had the 11 week abortion. you cannot undo what is done. but if youve repented for it, you are forgiven. that doesnt mean that the pain and consequences arent still there, they will be. but you can know, that in the eyes of God you are forgiven.
second, to the anonymous post about the rape. the actual stats is that .007% of woman who are raped become pregnant from the rapist. yes, that is less than .01%.
why, because rapists use condoms.
and the trauma to the woman is more often too much.
so as for rape, no excuse. and if you happen to be one of that .007% then why abort the baby? why not just give it up for adoption? give it a chance at life.
third, to "jana_r". who are you to judge? who are you to condemn someone else for an action that they now regret? you cant honestly say youve never done anything that you regret. that woman knows what she has done, she is torn up about it, she has asked for forgiveness, can you not see that that is enough. why dont you stop the condemnation and the judgement "remove the log from your own eye, before trying to remove the speck from someone elses". there is only forgiveness.
and just on the subject of abortion. for those who are considering, or for those who are on the border between pro-life and pro-choice. God knows us before we are even created, before we are placed in our mothers womb. He gives life, who are we to take it. Can you imagine how many albert einsteins, future presidents, world changers that we have killed, because we never wanted to give them a chance. We use abortion as "whoops, i forgot to use a condom" or "well, i dont want to be with him forever, it was just a little bit of fun, so im going to kill my baby" or "well, i dont have the finances" or "i cant do this on my own" or whatever the excuses are that get into our heads.. why dont we try wrapping it up, using BIRTH CONTROL (not abortion), or just not sleeping with anyone but a husband, instead of just saying "whoops" and killing a baby thats been so graciously placed in our lives.
thats not a bash to anyone who has had an abortion previously. if you realize what youve done, then just repent, and all is forgiven and you can be made whole again.
but that is to those who are border line or considering.. just think about it.
God bless you all
At 7:44 PM,
~*Kai-Lan*~ said…
I have always been pro-life, I hated people that had abortions I considered them murderers, there was a girl at my school that had 2 while we were in high school and I hated her for that. Later she got pregnant and decided to have it I was so angry because how could she choose who was to live and die those others had no chance what so ever! Not to be mean but why should this one live what makes it so much better you know? I always said that I would never have an abortion, i wrote a research paper on why abortion should beome illegal and that it was murder......well never say never, I had an abortion on thursday and to this day I can not stop crying I hate my self I have become a hippcrite another thing that I hated! I have a baby he is 19 months old and I have school ( I am in college) my boyfriend jkust joined the Marines he is leaving at the end of this month, the only way he could go is if we get married and I dont want to marry him, I was on birth control (pills) took them right, I live with my parents they make a lot of money and we could have afforded another child, but my dad barely actully start talking to me agian he loves my baby he says that he belongs to him that he is my lilttle brother(lol) but he tells nme that he is so proud of me becasue I am trying to do something with my life and my mom she is scared to lose my dad because of me....she always told me that she would never turn me away ever even if it meant losing my dad but she called me selfish and that all I cared about was myself....nobody knows about me doing what I did....except my boyfriend.....we cried together but I felt so trapped....I wanted my baby so much I had names picked out the due date was set, I hope god can forgive me because I will never forgive myself. The cramps are nothing compared to my heart, deep inside i know that I am a murderer and looking at these pictures I know that I am....both sides of the family are pro-life....I cant turn to anyone I hate myself...why do I deserve to live as my baby doesnt....then I remember I have a baby and he needs me now and I cant leave him I need him too.....The sad thing is is that he knew I was pregnant he would lift up my shirt and say "baby" now he does that and I cry I hurt everywhere.....when I was in the clinic the doctor was so cold the nurses were nice but they never really asked me if this was what I wanted till after the procedure....I screamed and cried as he did it, as the doctor left he looked at me and it look like he was crying. they helped me up and the nurse that was dressing me she asked me if I was sure that I had wanted that and I told he that I didnt want it that I was going to change my mind but everything went so fast and the Valium that they gave us was so relaxing that I felt so weird when i was on the cot thing and the were proppping my legs up is when it hit me....I asked the nurse if I could stop it at any time and she said yes that the doctor would tell me step by step what he was going to be doing he never did before I knew it he stuck me with a needle in my cervix dilating me and the nurse squeezing my hand telling how much longer it would be I squirmed and twisted the vacuum sound was so loud and horrible I heard like gurgling and I nknew what it was and I screamed not in pain but becasue of what I was doing at that moment I wanted to die I wanted to die to be killed the way I killed my baby! she told me 10 seconds honey ten seconds and it was over....I felt blood coming out of me, they put pads and hepled me get up Iw asin recover for about 30 minutes before I was sent home....I cried nad cried the whole time...another lady she was abou tmy moms age she was there to have an abortion too she held me and told me everything was going to be ok i told her it was never going to be ok that it was murder, she held me and I wished it could be my mom and I are really close and she hates abortions and I dont know how I could ever tell her that I killed my babay her grandchild....i hate if you ever say that you hate someone or you are never going to do something remember you have not been in that predicament before. Be glad you havent.....Please god forgive me!
At 7:44 PM,
~*Kai-Lan*~ said…
I have always been pro-life, I hated people that had abortions I considered them murderers, there was a girl at my school that had 2 while we were in high school and I hated her for that. Later she got pregnant and decided to have it I was so angry because how could she choose who was to live and die those others had no chance what so ever! Not to be mean but why should this one live what makes it so much better you know? I always said that I would never have an abortion, i wrote a research paper on why abortion should beome illegal and that it was murder......well never say never, I had an abortion on thursday and to this day I can not stop crying I hate my self I have become a hippcrite another thing that I hated! I have a baby he is 19 months old and I have school ( I am in college) my boyfriend jkust joined the Marines he is leaving at the end of this month, the only way he could go is if we get married and I dont want to marry him, I was on birth control (pills) took them right, I live with my parents they make a lot of money and we could have afforded another child, but my dad barely actully start talking to me agian he loves my baby he says that he belongs to him that he is my lilttle brother(lol) but he tells nme that he is so proud of me becasue I am trying to do something with my life and my mom she is scared to lose my dad because of me....she always told me that she would never turn me away ever even if it meant losing my dad but she called me selfish and that all I cared about was myself....nobody knows about me doing what I did....except my boyfriend.....we cried together but I felt so trapped....I wanted my baby so much I had names picked out the due date was set, I hope god can forgive me because I will never forgive myself. The cramps are nothing compared to my heart, deep inside i know that I am a murderer and looking at these pictures I know that I am....both sides of the family are pro-life....I cant turn to anyone I hate myself...why do I deserve to live as my baby doesnt....then I remember I have a baby and he needs me now and I cant leave him I need him too.....The sad thing is is that he knew I was pregnant he would lift up my shirt and say "baby" now he does that and I cry I hurt everywhere.....when I was in the clinic the doctor was so cold the nurses were nice but they never really asked me if this was what I wanted till after the procedure....I screamed and cried as he did it, as the doctor left he looked at me and it look like he was crying. they helped me up and the nurse that was dressing me she asked me if I was sure that I had wanted that and I told he that I didnt want it that I was going to change my mind but everything went so fast and the Valium that they gave us was so relaxing that I felt so weird when i was on the cot thing and the were proppping my legs up is when it hit me....I asked the nurse if I could stop it at any time and she said yes that the doctor would tell me step by step what he was going to be doing he never did before I knew it he stuck me with a needle in my cervix dilating me and the nurse squeezing my hand telling how much longer it would be I squirmed and twisted the vacuum sound was so loud and horrible I heard like gurgling and I nknew what it was and I screamed not in pain but becasue of what I was doing at that moment I wanted to die I wanted to die to be killed the way I killed my baby! she told me 10 seconds honey ten seconds and it was over....I felt blood coming out of me, they put pads and hepled me get up Iw asin recover for about 30 minutes before I was sent home....I cried nad cried the whole time...another lady she was abou tmy moms age she was there to have an abortion too she held me and told me everything was going to be ok i told her it was never going to be ok that it was murder, she held me and I wished it could be my mom and I are really close and she hates abortions and I dont know how I could ever tell her that I killed my babay her grandchild....i hate if you ever say that you hate someone or you are never going to do something remember you have not been in that predicament before. Be glad you havent.....Please god forgive me!
At 8:27 PM,
Jordyn said…
I am 11 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend and I wanted a child and now that its here he says its not the path that he wants to take. He is dead set that abortion is the answer but I am not. I see no reason to get an abortion. I feel it will haunt me for life.
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