Stella Matutina

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." --Hippocrates, from the Hippocratic Oath. -This blog is dedicated to preserving the rights of all men to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! WARNING: MAY CONTAIN GRAPHIC PHOTOS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is preemptive war ever justifiable? Tell OraPro what you think... Posted by Picasa


  • At 3:02 AM, Blogger Mukiruh said…

    Thats interesting Vivo. The victory in this is decided by those voting.

    Is truth now determined by a majority vote?

  • At 2:52 AM, Blogger Mukiruh said…

    Nice use of the Ad Hominum Fallacy. How logical of you.

  • At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The answer is no. America's in a mess because some idiots thought it was yes.

  • At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm...I guess the last poster believes that waiting is the only option. I dare say that we are in less a mess than Iraq itself anyway. Why the transference as if we suffer along with them?


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