Stella Matutina

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." --Hippocrates, from the Hippocratic Oath. -This blog is dedicated to preserving the rights of all men to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! WARNING: MAY CONTAIN GRAPHIC PHOTOS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"Father, forgive them. They know not what they do."

Today every blogger who visits this site will learn about one of OraPro's biggest weaknesses. OraPro recently learned that someone very close to her was attacked by two young men and seriously injured. Sitting at her computer, OraPro felt a deep anger well up inside her. Not very many times in her life had OraPro been so angry, felt so helpless.

Then OraPro remembered the words Christ spoke from the cross; "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do." OraPro's friend was helping the people who took advantage of him. He did nothing to them and was totally undeserving of their persecution. OraPro realized that although her virtuous friend had already forgiven those two men, she was still considering which torture method would be the most effective. Forgiving persons who hurt those she loves is a great weakness of OraPro. As she prayed for her friend's recovery, she also prayed for the grace to forgive his attackers. Pope Saint John Paul the Great forgave the man who shot him. Why is OraPro so weak? Why is it so difficult to forgive those men?

Please, bloggers, pray for OraPro's friend and pray that OraPro has the courage to forgive those who hurt him. This story is posted on StellaMatutina because this blog was created for the respect of life from conception to natural death. Those men did not respect the life of OraPro's friend. Please pray for their conversions as well. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Descartes is sitting in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would like another. "I think not," he says and vanishes in a puff of logic. -Elliot Sober

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Do not be afraid to go out into the streets like the first Apostles, to preach Christ and the good news of salvation in the squares of the cities."
-Pope Saint John Paul the Great

"He leads the way, says; 'Come. Come follow me.'"

Watch this rockin' video; "God in the Streets of NYC" It is totally awesome, and you won't regret it! by Picasa

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

St. Augustine of Hippo

"Hear my prayer, O Lord; let not my soul faint under thy discipline, nor let me faint in confessing unto thee thy mercies, whereby thou hast saved me from all my most wicked ways till thou shouldst become sweet to me beyond all the allurements that I used to follow. Let me come to love thee wholly, and grasp thy hand with my whole heart that thou mayest deliver me from every temptation, even unto the last. And thus, O Lord, my King and my God, may all things useful that I learned as a boy now be offered in thy service--let it be that for thy service I now speak and write and reckon. For when I was learning vain things, thou didst impose thy discipline upon me: and thou hast forgiven me my sin of delighting in those vanities. In those studies I learned many a useful word, but these might have been learned in matters not so vain; and surely that is the safe way for youths to walk in."
The Confessions Book I, ch. xv, 24
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Sunday, September 11, 2005

For all you philosophically inclined folks out there: Which came first? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 10, 2005

"That's a good question to which one doesn't know the answer: I shall ignore it." Posted by Picasa

If you would like to watch Plantinga's lecture "Fatih and the Challenges of Secularism" click this link and scroll down to the eighth lecture. Enjoy:

Saturday, September 03, 2005

One Great & Holy Man....... Posted by Picasa

Thou shalt not kill,
but not on Capitol Hill.
You let us do it with a doctor,
or we do it with a pill.
--Sacro Song II

Equus: under saddle for the first time! Posted by Picasa