Stella Matutina

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." --Hippocrates, from the Hippocratic Oath. -This blog is dedicated to preserving the rights of all men to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! WARNING: MAY CONTAIN GRAPHIC PHOTOS. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Endangered Species Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 26, 2006

10 Weeks: he can hear, squint, swallow, and move his tongue
Posted by Picasa

Baby Aborted at 10 Weeks Posted by Picasa


1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
2. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
3. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry
4. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
5. The disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology.
6. The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
7. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory
8. A system of values by which one lives Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Only 9 weeks after conception, a baby has fingerprints. Just think, that set of absolutely unique fingerprints already present in a child who is less than two inches tall. Wow! And at just six weeks, he could hear his mother's voice. That is why his grandmother, although more experienced with children, can not console him like his mother can. Only the mother, whose voice he has listened to for nine months, can calm his fears. Life; such a beautiful gift! Posted by Picasa

4 Weeks...One Month after Conception...The miracle of life! Posted by Picasa

Graduation Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Four Women Share Moving Testimonies Regarding their Decision to have an Abortion. Watch it here. (approx. 4:30)

Why did she have to die?

This little girl had her father's big brown eyes and her mother's nose. This beautiful gift, this baby girl would have loved soccer and would have been prom queen. At night, she would have gone and sat on her mother's bed and talked about boys and makeup and other girl stuff. Her mom would have cried silently as this beautiful girl graduated from college, remembering all the times they laughed and cried when she was little. After countless hours of searching together for the perfect dress, her mother would have watched as her father, the first man to sweep her off her feet, gave her away to the love of her life. This tiny child's own children would grow up to do great things. But none of this was permitted. This little life was ended at only thirteen weeks. She will never have those wonderful experience, and her mother and father must spend the rest fo their lives with the memory of losing a child.

Think about how the gift of life, though a sacrifice, can affect your baby. Nine months of love can ensure him a full and glorious life. If you are considering abortion for any reason, be it your career, money, time, school, or trouble with the child's father, there is help available for you. Unplanned pregnancies are difficult, but we are here to help you and your baby through them. Just think of what that small gift, the gift of life, will mean for him.

If you are pregnant and need help or would just like someone to talk to, feel free to call (919) 828-LIFE. The volunteers at BirthChoice will connect you with the crisis pregnancy center in your area. Thank you.

- OraProNobis Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 20, 2006

"On Feb. 26, the patient went to an emergency room at a Birmingham hospital “with the head of a baby protruding” and delivered a “stillborn, macerated, six pound, four ounce baby,” according the suspension order...."

Read more here.

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's only for a moment you are mine to hold
The plans that heaven has for you
Will all too soon unfold
So many different prayers I'll pray
For all that you might do
But most of all I'll want to know
You're walking in the truth
And If I never told you
I want you to know
As I watch you grow

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Orapronobis with those she loves...You have blessed my life, more than you'll ever know! I love you and I'll never forget you! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I was on the outside when you said
You said you needed me
I was looking at myself
I was blind,
I could not see
A boy tries hard to be a man
His mother takes him by the hand
If he stops to think, he starts to cry
Oh why
If you walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away
I will follow
I will follow
I was on the inside
When they pulled the four walls down
I was looking through the window
I was lost,
I am found
by: U2

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Hard Truth About Abortion

(It's a bit graphic, but its the truth. If you want to truly know what abortion is, watch this video.)